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As 2014 Comes to a Close

by Anastasios Hudson on December 31st, 2014

(Originally posted on my personal Facebook page).

2014 was what a year is: some good, some bad. Some success, some failure. A few steps forward, and some back. Certainly not as hard for me personally as 2012 and 2013, when everything in my world changed drastically. But certainly not easy, as some years were. All I can say is that I have continued to grow, learn, and experience things. That being said:

1. I am proud to have finally stopped drinking soda completely, after being addicted to it for 26 years.

2. I am proud to have basically stopped drinking hard liquor, and cutting my beer consumption in half–although when you drink as much beer as I do, that means I still have a long way to go, and it is clearly a struggle.

3. I am proud to have been able to complete my VCP5-DCV certification–even though I did not get a raise, promotion, or new job because of it. But knowledge is knowledge. I have faith this is a step in the right direction.

4. I am thankful that I have reached a certain “working understanding” in my personal relationships with various people; in other words, things are more peaceful and productive. My mother and I have a much-improved relationship. You-know-who and I rarely argue anymore. The stresses of integrating two families under one roof have mostly subsided. I have reconciled with some people who were hurt by my actions in 2012-2013.

5. I am thankful that I have a place to live, food to eat, a car to drive, and clothing.

6. I am thankful that I have not run out of money, despite being in a certain career limbo.

7. I am blessed to have health, family, and friends who love me.

8. I am blessed to be a part of the Orthodox Church, without which, none of the above would be possible. If you are considering your faith and your relationship with God, ask me what the Orthodox Church has done for me and what it can do for you. I’d be happy to share my experience.

I could go on and on, but I am being a bit narcissistic here, so I will stop. I love you all very much, and thank you for your friendship and support. Facebook may be a waste of time in some sense, but I do appreciate how it has helped me maintain family relationships and friendships with so many people. I appreciate being able to share (perhaps overshare) my stuff, and trust me that I like reading about you and your lives too.

Anastasios Dustin Hudson

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One Comment
  1. Maximus permalink

    May God be with you in the new year! Thank you for sharing that, I was highly edified.

    in ICXC,

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