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The Purpose and Goals of My Writing

by Anastasios Hudson on May 6th, 2014

I’ve enjoyed writing since I was little, and I have written for a variety of reasons. Writing is an interactive process for me; I am as excited to see the reaction to and engagement with what I produce as I am to produce it in the first place. Sometimes I write for personal reasons, such as self-expression or as a process of deepening my own understanding, and sometimes I write to share information, because some things are so magnificent and interesting that they deserve to be more widely known. Writing is also a good way to learn, especially online, where so many resources are available and so many knowledgeable people exist to challenge one. I also write to spread awareness of my faith, the Orthodox Christian faith, which has helped me greatly in my life and which I believe can help others achieve salvation and spiritual enlightenment. Finally, I often write as a service to others, by helping them put on paper ideas and thoughts they were not able to do so themselves.

My “day job” has been in the computer networking industry for the past seven and a half years. I enjoy my work, and am thankful to have maintained a job steadily through the tough economic times we’ve experienced in the United States. My job is intellectually challenging in its own right, and I am constantly trying to augment my skillset and marketability by taking on diverse projects and studying and obtaining new certifications (hands-on and theoretical both, to be well-rounded). Most likely, I will need to continue in this field for the next several years. I am not, however, as passionate about networking as I am about writing.

As time goes on, my writing becomes more and more important to me, and I find myself doing it more. At present, almost everything I have written has been free, for one of the reasons stated in the first paragraph. I will continue to produce free content, God-willing, for the rest of my life. However, I also would like to be able to make writing a part-time and possibly even a full-time profession.

Anastasios Hudson's Daughter Sophia

My Daughter Sophia, May 2014

As a result of choices I made, I am in a situation where I reside in Virginia, but travel to North Carolina almost every other weekend. With a career as a writer, or even a solid part-time income stream, I would be able to maintain a modest apartment, condominium, or townhouse in North Carolina in addition to my home in Virginia. This will be very important for my relationship with my oldest daughter Sophia, who lives in Raleigh. If I were able to write full-time, I would even be able to go back and forth at will, which would significantly improve my family life.

I would also be able to produce more content, because I would not be splitting myself between multiple areas. With a focus and a commitment, and the hours necessary to accomplish the goals, I would be in a position to produce more of the content that you readers have come to enjoy. Also, I would be in a position to help with our Church’s missionary aims in a more direct way, as I would be free to assist our holy priests in their missionary work were I able to set my own schedule. Despite my own mistakes and setbacks, missionary work remains constantly on my mind. I still want to see missions and eventually parishes established throughout Virginia and North Carolina (and beyond), and not just in the big cities.

One nonfiction work—an eBook—is about to be published, and I am also working on some religious fiction short stories. Finally, I am doing research on various nonfiction projects. I also am working to monetize my blog via advertising revenue, and am actively soliciting freelance projects (which do not have to be religious in nature). I’ve read the arguments between those who say find a niche, and those who encourage writing in multiple areas (some say with different pen names for different genres), and I’ve taken that all into consideration. To start, I’m going to go with my gut instinct, and see what works and what doesn’t.

To be successful, I have read that one needs to set goals. I’ve also read that one should make these goals clear to others to boost the follow-through and accountability. For that reason, I am going to set some now, although I am fully cognizant that ultimately it is God’s grace and not self-realization and other modern pop psychobabble that will get me there.

  1. By September 1, 2014, I will be generating $250 a month in writing income
  2. By January 1, 2015, I will be generating $750 a month in writing income
  3. By June 1, 2015, I will be in a position where I have paid off certain debts and can pay for a dwelling in North Carolina
  4. By June 1, 2016, I will be in a position to consider my full-time career options

Thank you for listening, and if you want to be part of “Team Anastasios” then please:

  1. Purchase my works as they are published
  2. Let others know about this blog (“sharing is caring”)
  3. Hire me to write (or speak—I’m told I’m rather good at that) for you or your organization
  4. Pray for me
  5. Send me suggestions and leads
  6. Subscribe to my blog to be made aware of updates and so I can show I have a loyal following when I submit works to publishers

Thank you!


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